CARES Program
St. Eugene School C.A.R.E.S.Handbook Children Are Receiving Extended Services
Dear Parents,
We are pleased to announce that we will offer the CARES (Children Are Receiving Extended Services) Program at St. Eugene School for the 2024-2025 school year.
The purpose of the CARES Program is to provide an after school experience within a Catholic environment. CARES will strive to provide individual attention, security, consistency, and caring in a large family atmosphere. One snack will be provided during this time. Each child is allowed to bring a snack and drink in line with the school policies. Safety procedures that are being followed in school, will continue within the CARES program as well. More information be forthcoming regarding these procedures within the CARES program.
CARES is held Monday through Friday from 2:30pm to 5:30 pm. CARE will not be available on days when there is no school or on days the school must close early for weather- related emergencies.
The costs for participating in the CARES Program are:
A non- refundable $25.00 registration fee per family
Hourly fees: $9.00/one child and $12.00/two or more children
Bills will be sent home every Wednesday in the communication folder.
Fees are to be paid each Monday for the hours used the previous week.
Checks are to be made payable to St. Eugene School.
Students may not attend CARES unless all CARES payments are current
All tuition must be current for your children to participate in CARES
A fee of $1.00/per minute per child will be charged for pickup after 5:30 pm
We are asking parents to register their children for the CARES Program by Thursday September 1, 2022 so that we can plan staffing needs. To register, please complete the enclosed form and send it to school, with the $25.00/ family registration fee.
Those who register will receive more information during the first week of school. CARES will begin on Tuesday, September 6, 2022 If you have any questions, please call the office at 610-622-2909
Sincerely, Mrs. Diana Thompson, Principal
Miss, Gabrielle Ferrara, CARES Director